
Gwyneth Paltrow: I was a mess in my 20s! I would never want to go back


I was pleased that so many of you enjoyed that Gwyneth Paltrow post yesterday and that somehow, against all the odds, Gwyneth’s comments about “happiness” became a jumping-off point to discuss what makes individual women happy. What’s funny is that very few of us find happiness from Gwyneth’s pre-approved Happiness Tips. Those quotes came from Gwyneth’s exclusive interview with People Magazine, and wouldn’t you know, there’s even more! Some selected quotes:

Goop on her 20s versus her 40s: “I was a mess in my 20s! I would never want to go back. I’m so thankful to be where I am.” Calling her 40s “incredible,” Paltrow adds she would have loved it if her friends had informed her the best was yet to come. “I wish more women had told me that at 40 you sort of stop worrying about what other people think about you, and you come into yourself in the most phenomenal way. I think the 40s are such a gift, and I feel more beautiful now than I did 10 years ago or 20 years ago.”

She’s beautiful: “I think even though physically I don’t look like I did when I was 25, I feel beautiful because I feel like myself.”

She says she has bad hair days “all the time”: Paltrow is OK with her “crazy” mane, “My hair is like three different textures. I usually just leave it, and I’m like, ‘Whatever. I woke up like this. I don’t know what to tell you.’”

[From People]

Re: her messy 20s. I remember her 20s. I remember that moment (the ‘90s) when Gwyneth was the It Girl and everyone was obsessed with her. That moment made Gwyneth who she is today. That moment defined her and she’s still riding that moment. So while I believe that, looking back, she thinks she was messy back then, I do not believe her when she says “I would never want to go back.” She would go back in a heartbeat.

As for her hair… I don’t believe her. Not exactly. I think her hair is naturally wavy and naturally a lot darker, but she’s been frying it and bleaching it (her colorist hates her, btw) for so many years, her hair texture probably has changed over time. But Gwyneth’s answer to every hair dilemma seems to be “flat-iron it and do a center part.” Just like she did in the ‘90s. I would love to see her do beachy bedhead waves on a red carpet.

Last Goop-related item: last year, it was widely reported that Gwyneth and her business partner were obsessed with the idea of bringing the members-only, London-based Arts Club to LA. The NY Post says that they’re still working on it and the first “renderings of the club” have been “unveiled” already. Here’s something I didn’t know: the cost of a year’s membership is $2,000, and you can only get in if an existing member nominates you, which is a lot like how people used to become Academy members. One of the worst rules? NO CURSING. You have to spend that kind of money to hang out with snooty a—holes and you can’t even say the word “a—hole” in front of them.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-06-07