
Alexis Bledel Weds in Secret Ceremony

Surprise! Alexis Bledel and Vincent Kartheiser are a married couple, having tied the knot back in June, according to their reps. The very private young couple have been together for several years, meeting on the set of Mad Men, and becoming engaged early last year. The wedding, however, was a very quiet event, and a first for both.

While it’s not unusual to see Bledel and Kartheiser out on a date around Hollywood, it is unusual to hear either talk about anything personal. They’re a very live and let live – privately – kind of couple who don’t actively seek out the limelight and the attention that goes along with. However, just two months before their wedding, Kartheiser did something very out of character for him and discussed his relationship with Bledel in an interview.

“We were completely professional. We never saw each other out. We never – it was nothing, it was just work,” he said of his initial meeting with Bledel. The couple began working together in 2012 on the set of Mad Men. In their scenes together, they portrayed a couple that was in the midst of a doomed love affair. After playing love interests on the hit television show, the couple publicly began dating in October of the same year, becoming engaged less than six months later.

Even though the newly married couple does not discuss much of their relationship, co-star Elizabeth Moss isn’t afraid to discuss it. “I’ve known Vinny for 12 years and Alexis is just the sweetest. I’ve never seen Vincent like this. It is really cool,” she said of her longtime friend and his new wife.

Their wedding isn’t the only big change in their lives, either. Kartheiser recently put his bachelor pad up for sale in Hollywood, probably because he’s no longer a bachelor in need of small single-person home.

(Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-05-30